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9 datasets found

Giles Miller


Ocean Bottom Deposits Collection

The Ocean Bottom Deposits Collection contains over 28,000 items derived from sea floor sediment collections. These include sediment residues in tubes/bottles/jars, hand...
Giles Miller Collections License not specified

Listing of HMS Challenger Sediment Collection

An interim listing of John Murray's H.M.S. Challenger Sediment Collection. This is intended to accompany a forthcoming publication on that collection. Some parts are incomplete...
Giles Miller Research Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

Join the Dots collection-level descriptions

The records in this dataset provide a high-level summary of the Natural History Museum's collection and encompass the material managed by its Life Sciences, Earth Sciences and...
Natural History Museum Collections Open Data Commons Attribution License

Ray Bate Collection of mainly Cretaceous ostracods from West Africa

The dataset describes a named taxonomic reference collection of 311 slides of individual specimens as well as a listing of related assemblage slides covering 4 slide cabinets....
Giles Miller; Jamie Rolt Collections Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

Ordovician conodonts from Al Fleij, Oman

This dataset includes a listing of all conodont specimens illustrated from the Amdeh Formation at Al Fleij, Oman and accompanies a paper submitted to PGA on the trilobites and...
Giles Miller Collections Creative Commons Non-Commercial (Any)

A biological nano-foam: the wall of coniferous bisaccate pollen

The outer layer of the pollen grain, the exine, plays a key role in the survival of terrestrial plant life. However, the exine structure in different groups of plants remains...
Ruxandra Cojocaru; Oonagh Mannix; Stephen Stukins; Alexandra Pacureanu; Giles Miller; Marie Capron Research Creative Commons Attribution

Supplementary Material: Intraspecific size variation in planktonic foraminife...

The size structure of plankton communities is an important determinant of their functions in marine ecosystems. However, few studies have quantified how organism size varies...
Marina Costa Rillo; Giles Miller; Michal Kucera; Thomas Ezard Collections Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

Eric Robinson Collection of Ostracoda and Foraminifera

In 2006, Eric Robinson, formerly of University College London, donated his ostracod collection to the Natural History Museum. This collection contains slides of named taxa and...
Giles Miller Collections License not specified

Supplementary Material: Surface Sediment Samples From Early Age of Seafloor E...

Ocean-floor sediment samples collected up to 150 years ago represent an important historical archive to benchmark global changes in the seafloor environment, such as species'...
Marina Costa Rillo; Michal Kucera; Thomas Ezard; Giles Miller Research Creative Commons Attribution

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