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120 datasets found



Intraspecific variation in harbour porpoise cochleae

Data from paper Intraspecific variation in harbour porpoise ( Phocoena phocoena ) cochleae and its implications for comparative studies across odontocetes. Martins MCI, Park T,...
Maria Clara Iruzun Martins; Travis Park; Natalie Cooper Research Creative Commons Attribution

Supplementary Material: Intraspecific size variation in planktonic foraminife...

The size structure of plankton communities is an important determinant of their functions in marine ecosystems. However, few studies have quantified how organism size varies...
Marina Costa Rillo; Giles Miller; Michal Kucera; Thomas Ezard Collections Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

Morelloid Solanum species from Argentina

All specimen data used in the following publication: Knapp S, Chiarini F, Cantero JJ, Barboza GE (2020) The Morelloid clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in Argentina:...
Sandra Knapp Research Creative Commons CCZero

New Solanum from the Pacific

Specimens used in the article describing new Solanum species from the Pacific: MClelland DHR, Nee M, Knapp S (2020) New names and status for Pacific spiny species of Solanum...
Sandra Knapp Collections Creative Commons CCZero

Diversification analyses in Solanum

Solanum botanical records and diversification rates used in the analyses in Echeverría-Londoño et al. 2020). Code developed for the analyses can be accessed on Git Hub...
Sandra Knapp Research Creative Commons Attribution

Clayton Herbarium

John Clayton (1694-1773) was a notable early collector of plant specimens in North America. From 1720 until his death, he was Clerk to the Court of Gloucester County in...
Charles E Jarvis Collections CC-BY-SA-4.0

An influence of environmental variability on insects wing shape: a case stud...

Rungtip Wonglersak; Phillip Fenberg; Peter Langdon; Stephen J Brooks; Benjamin Price Research Creative Commons Attribution


Chironomids are a useful group for investigating body size responses to warming temperature, due to their high local abundance, sensitivity to environmental change and trophic...
Rungtip Wonglersak; Phillip Fenberg; Peter Langdon; Stephen J Brooks; Benjamin Price Research Creative Commons Attribution

Temperature-body size responses in insects: a case study of British Odonata

Body size is highly correlated with physiological traits, fitness, and trophic interactions. These traits are subject to change if there are widespread reductions of body size...
Rungtip Wonglersak; Phillip Fenberg; Peter Langdon; Stephen J Brooks; Benjamin Price Research Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

Database of the NHM Fossil Porifera Collection with drawer label content

Database of 752 entries with drawer label content concerning hand specimen and slide cabinets. The data recorded includes taxa, geographic site and stratigraphic locations of...
Consuelo Sendino Collections Creative Commons Attribution

Georeferenced UK social wasps

This dataset is a subset of DOI: 10.5519/qd.tdi9zagc. This dataset contains all UK common wasp (Vespula vulgaris, Linnaeus 1758), German wasp (Vespula germanica, Fabricius,...
Galina Mikaella Jönsson Collections Creative Commons Attribution

Coral reef imagery by Eileen Graham of Jamaica in the 1960s

This is a collection of 1481 images that were made by Eileen Graham between 1966 and 1968 showing coral reefs from the northern coast of Jamaica. Most of the image were made of...
Kenneth Johnson CC-BY-4.0

Convergent evolution in toothed whale cochleae

Data from the paper Convergent evolution in toothed whale cochleae. link to paper. Travis Park, Bastien Mennecart, Loïc Costeur, Camille Grohé & Natalie Cooper. 2019....
Travis Park; Bastien Mennecart; Loïc Costeur; Camille Grohé; Natalie Cooper Research Creative Commons Attribution

UK Georeferenced Master Sites iCollections Project

This Natural History Museums (NHM) digitisation project has produced 7217 georeferenced master sites representing the collection localities for approx., 500,000 NHM Lepitoptera...
Malcolm G Penn; L Duffel; Caitlin McLaughlin; Geoff Martin Collections Creative Commons Attribution

What can cetacean stranding records tell us? A study of UK and Irish cetacean...

Data from the paper: What can cetacean stranding records tell us? A study of UK and Irish cetacean diversity over the past 100 years. Ellen J. Coombs et al. 2019. Marine Mammal...
Ellen J Coombs; Rob Deaville; Richard C Sabin; Louise Allan et al. Research Creative Commons Attribution

Historical UK cetacean strandings dataset (1913-1989)

Over 100 years ago, the Natural History Museum created a project to document the cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) stranded on British beaches. Annual reports were...
Natural History Museum Collections Creative Commons Attribution

Hermann Herbarium

The collection of dried plants and drawings made in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) for Paul Hermann in the 1670s possesses a special importance in being one of the first major collections...
Charles E Jarvis Collections License not specified

Morelloid solanum North and Central America and the Caribbean

Specimens used in the monograph of the morelloid clade of Solanum occurring in North and Central America and the Caribbean Knapp S, Barboza GE, Bohs L, Särkinen T (2019) A...
Sandra Knapp Collections Open Data Commons Attribution License

Old World morelloids

Specimens used in the published monograph of the Old World members of the Morelloid clade of Solanum (black nightshades) Särkinen TE, Poczai P, Barboza GE, van der Weerden GM,...
Sandra Knapp Collections Creative Commons Attribution

Keys to African Solanum

Knapp S. Vorontsova MS, Särkinen T. (2019) Dichotomous keys to the species of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in continental Africa, Madagascar (incl. the islands of Réunion, the...
Sandra Knapp Collections Open Data Commons Attribution License

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