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3 datasets found

Open Data Commons Attribution License


Ecology drives patterns of spectral transmission in the ocular lenses of frog...

The spectral characteristics of vertebrate ocular lenses affect the image of the world that is projected onto the retina, and thus help shape diverse visual capabilities. Here,...
Kate N Thomas; David J Gower; Jeffrey Streicher; Rayna C Bell et al. Research Open Data Commons Attribution License

Keys to African Solanum

Knapp S. Vorontsova MS, Särkinen T. (2019) Dichotomous keys to the species of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in continental Africa, Madagascar (incl. the islands of Réunion, the...
Sandra Knapp Collections Open Data Commons Attribution License

Fenton et al Reproducibility

The data required to run the analyses in Fenton et al "Factors affecting consistency and accuracy in identifying modern macroperforate planktonic foraminifera".
Isabel Fenton Research Open Data Commons Attribution License

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