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4 datasets found



Atlas of Living Malaysia

The Atlas of Living Malaysia project comprises the records of pre-selected pinned insect specimens at the Natural History Museum, London. It includes representatives of over...
Robyn Crowther; Phaedra Kokkini; Peter Wing; Louise Allan; Charlotte Barclay; Laurence Livermore Collections Creative Commons CCZero

Cooper Collection

The Cooper collection comprises the records of all material from the Martin Cooper acquisition (BMNH-ENT-2018-128) at the Natural History Museum, London at the time of project...
Phaedra Kokkini; Nicola Lowndes; Louise Allan; Charlotte Barclay et al. Corporate Creative Commons CCZero

Bee Land-use Change Project

The Bee Land-use Change Project dataset comprises the records of all pinned Bombus hortorum, B.hypnorum, B.lapidarius, B.muscorum, B.pascuorum, B.ruderatus and B.sylvarum...
Natural History Museum Collections Creative Commons CCZero


Hymenoptera parasites of the Phasmida (stick insects)
Edward Baker Research CC-BY-4.0

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