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3 datasets found

Sandy Knapp
Xavier Aubriot


Tropical Asian spiny Solanum

Specimen data used for the publication: Aubriot X, Knapp S (2022) A revision of the “spiny solanums” of Tropical Asia (Solanum Leptostemonum Clade: Solanaceae).PhytoKeys 198:...
Sandra Knapp; Xavier Aubriot Collections Open Data Commons Attribution License

Solanum phylogenomics dataset

Supporting sequence and alignment data for the publication Gagnon E, Hilgenhof R, Orejuela A, McDonnell A, Sablok G, Aubriot X, Giacomin L, Gouvêa Y, Bragonis T, Stehmann JR,...
Edeline Gagnon; Rebecca Hilgenhof; Andrés Orejuela; Angela McDonnell et al. Research Open Data Commons Attribution License

Tropical Asian spiny solanums (2016)

Static dataset of species identities and coordinates for specimens used to create Figure 2 in Aubriot et al. (see Abstract and publication details below). Data presented here...
Xavier Aubriot Collections ODC-BY-1.0

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