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Number: 12437.0
In Author: Staudinger & Schatz
Author: Schatz
Bhl Page:
Family: Pieridae
Genus: Gonopteryx
Journal: Exot. Schmett.
Year: 1886
Homonym Count: 4.0
Of Value: ;
Page: 68
Part: (2)
Ref Id: 5124.0
Status: Unjustified emendation
Subfamily: Coliadinae
Superfamily: Papilionoidea
Volume: Theil 2
Memo Links: ['', '', '', '']
Memo: Hemming (1967) stated:- An Unjustified Emendation of Gonepteryx [Leach], [1815]. Cowan (1968: 18) stated:- The spelling "Gonopteryx" was certainly not originated by Schatz, who used it no less than three times on his p. 66 as well as seven times on p. 68, with no reason given. This was a much older popular spelling on the continent of Europe; c.f. "Gonopteryx L[each]. 1810 [sic]" Koch 1860 (Stettin ent. Z. 21 : 232); and in 1862, C. & R. Felder writing on China and Japan (Wien. ent. Mon. 6 : 23, No. 6) and on Brazil (ibid. : 69, No. 15), and C. Felder on the "Novara" voyage (Méth. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien. 12 : 473, No. 6). But this spelling occurred much earlier. Godart in 1821 (Hist. nat. Lép. France 1 : 45) noted the genus, which he spelt in French as "Gonoptéryce, (ailes anguleuses)". Earlier still, Godart (1819, Enc. Méth. (Zool.) 9 (1) : 89, nota) wrote; "Cette espéce [maerula] et les deux suivantes [rhamni, cleopatra] sont du genre Gonopte'ryce, établi par M. le docteur Leach; genre dont on trouvera les charactéres dans les Mémories de la Société d'Edimbourg." There was also the perceptive contribution by I'Abbé Lalanne in 1822 (Manuel ent. Led. Or. : 77 of 461 pp.); "Un entomologiste Allemand, le docteur Leach, a réuni, sous le nom générique de Gonoptérices, plusieurs papillons de la forme de notre Citron [Colias rhamni]; la Cléopâtre . . et la Mérule", remarking that in wing-shape, habits, and life-history, they differed from Colias species. This last part seems to have been original, but he probably depended mainly on Godart (and in doing so misplaced Edinburgh!). If, then, Gonopteryx is an emendation, it must have been introduced (in French form) by Godart in 1819. It was mentioned with disfavour as Gonopteryx Leach by Boisduval in 1836 (Hist. nat. Spec. Gen. Lep. (1) : 598) "parce que nous trouvons avec Dalman que ces terminaisons -pterix [sic] sont peu euphoniques". (This sentence perhaps explains two doubts in the entry under "Gonoptera" in the List [Hemming, 1967]). Boisduval and Leconte, of course, had renamed the genus Rhodocera in 1830 as they liked the sound better. But there now seems a distinct possibility that Gonopteryx may actually have been the original spelling; that Leach published something in 1810 (c.f. Koch 1860, quoted above); and that three species may originally have been included (c.f. Godart 1819 above). Leach was admitted a member of the Wernerian Society (Edinburgh) in 1811, and its publications and others have been searched without success. An application to the International Commission to safeguard stability may yet be needed. The higher classification used here follows Lamas (2008).

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License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Dataset buttmoth
Dataset ID f8bc9b9c-009a-4689-bd01-ed621095c457
Resource Butterflies and Moths of the World
Resource ID c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c