Number: | 15425.0 | |
Author: | Hübner | |
Bhl Page: | | |
Family: | Noctuidae | |
Genus: | Lamprosia | |
Journal: | Samml. exot. Schmett. | |
Year: | 1821 | |
Homonym Count: | 3.0 | |
Page: | pl.[214] | |
Ref Id: | 2850.0 | |
Status: | Available name | |
Subfamily: | Catocalinae | |
Superfamily: | Noctuoidea | |
Volume: | 2 | |
Type Country: | [EUROPE] | |
Type Depository: | (? Depository) | |
Type Locality: | ? Locality | |
Types: | Type(s) | |
Type Des: | by monotypy | |
Type Sp Author: | Hübner | |
Type Sp Bhl Page: | | |
Type Sp Journal: | Samml. eur. Schmett. | |
Type Sp Page: | pl.103, fig.487 | |
Type Sp Volume: | 4 | |
Type Sp Year: | 1813 | |
Type Sp Ref Id: | 6208.0 | |
Type Sp Genus: | Noctua | |
Type Sp: | amatrix | |
Memo Links: | ['', ''] | |
Memo: | Nye (1975) stated:- TYPE-LOCALITY by implication of title, Europe, but this was probably an error as the species illustrated is not known to occur in the Old World but is widespread in NORTH AMERICA. Poole (1989) included HEMIGEOMETRA Haworth, 1809; EPHESIA Hübner, 1818; LAMPROSIA Hübner, 1821; BLEPHARIDIA Hübner, 1822; ASTIOTES Hübner, 1823; CORISCE Hübner, 1823; EUCORA Hübner, 1823; EUNETIS Hübner, 1823; MORMONIA Hübner, 1823; BLEPHARONIA Hübner, 1825; ANDREWSIA Grote, 1882; CATABAPTA Hulst, 1884; and ANDREUSIA Hampson, 1913 as junior synonyms of CATOCALA Schrank, 1802. | |
Type Comments: | Type-locality by implication of title, Europe |
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Additional Information
Format | unknown |
License | Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike |
Dataset | buttmoth |
Dataset ID | f8bc9b9c-009a-4689-bd01-ed621095c457 |
Resource | Butterflies and Moths of the World |
Resource ID | c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c |