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Number: 16358.0
Author: d'Almeida
Family: Nymphalidae
Genus: Lonia
Journal: Agronomia, R. de J.
Year: 1946
Homonym Count: 1.0
Page: 4
Part: (3)
Ref Id: 1197.0
Status: Junior objective synonym
Subfamily: Biblidinae
Subtribe: Eurytelina
Superfamily: Papilionoidea
Tribe: Biblidini
Volume: 4
Senior Syn: VILA
Senior Syn Author: Kirby
Senior Syn Page: 217
Senior Syn Year: 1871
Type Country: See BHL scanned Type-species page
Type Des: (through Article 67.8 (replacement names))
Type Sp Author: Doubleday
Type Sp Bhl Page:
Type Sp Journal: Gen. diurn. Lep.
Type Sp Page: pl.31, fig.3
Type Sp Page Comment: [text by Westwood published in [1851], in Doubleday, ibid. (2) : 408.]
Type Sp Year: 1848
Type Sp Ref Id: 1477.0
Type Sp Genus: Olina
Type Sp: azeca
Memo Links: ['', '', '', '']
Memo: Hemming (1967) stated:- The name Lonia was introduced by Ferreira d'Almeida as a replacement for the name Vita Kirby on the ground that that name was invalid under the Law of Homonymy as a junior homonym of the name Villa Lioy, 1864 (Atti 1st. Veneto (3) 9 : 732). At that date these names did rank as homonyms of one another under the provisions of the Commission's Opinion 147 (1943, Opin. int. Comm. zool. Nom. 2 : 123-132) which laid it down that in the case of generic names certain specified minor differences in spelling, including the use of a single or double consonant (as in the case of the letter "1" in the names Vita and Villa) were to be disregarded for the purpose of determining whether the names were homonyms of one another. Experience soon showed that the number of names of this type was considerably greater than had previously been supposed and that the application of the provisions of the above Opinion would cause an unnecessary disturbance in nomenclatorial practice. It was accordingly decided by the Copenhagen Congress of 1953 to replace that Opinion by a [provision now embodied in the Code as Article 56 (a) under which a difference in spelling of a single letter was to be accepted as sufficient to prevent any two generic names from being treated as homonyms of one another. Under this revised provision the names Vita and Villa ceased to be homonyms of one another, and in consequence the name Vita Kirby became an available name and the replacement name Lonia Ferreira d'Almeida became invalid as a junior objective synonym of Vila Kirby. The higher classification used here follows Lamas (2008).

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License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Dataset buttmoth
Dataset ID f8bc9b9c-009a-4689-bd01-ed621095c457
Resource Butterflies and Moths of the World
Resource ID c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c