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Number: 26015.0
Author: Hübner
Bhl Page:
Family: Riodinidae
Genus: Rusticus
Journal: Samml. exot. Schmett.
Year: 1807
Homonym Count: 2.0
Page: pl.[102], pl.[104]
Ref Id: 2831.0
Status: Suppressed name
Subfamily: Riodininae
Superfamily: Papilionoidea
Tribe: Helicopini
Volume: 1
Senior Syn: PLEBEJUS
Senior Syn Author: Kluk
Senior Syn Page: 89
Senior Syn Year: 1780
Type Country: ? COUNTRY
Type Depository: (? Depository)
Type Locality: ? Locality
Types: ? Type status
Type Des Ref Id: 2543.0
Type Des: by subsequent designation by
Type Des Author: Hemming
Type Des Year: 1934
Type Des Journal: Entomologist
Type Des Title: Entomologist / London
Type Des Volume: 67
Type Des Part: (854)
Type Des Page: 156
Type Sp Author: Fabricius
Type Sp Journal: Mantissa Ins.
Type Sp Page: 64
Type Sp Year: 1787
Type Sp Ref Id: 9552.0
Type Sp Genus: Papilio
Type Sp: gnidus
Memo Links: ['', '', '', '']
Memo: Hemming (1967) stated:- The rejection by the Commission of Hübner's Tentamen and the consequent rejection of the new names introduced in it made it necessary to re-examine the literature in order to determine by whom, when and where the names in question were first subsequently published. In the case of the name Rusticus, it was found that it was first subsequently published by Hübner on the legends of nine plates in volume 1 of his work the Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge. At the time when the relative dates of publication of these plates were not known and it was necessary in consequence to treat them all as having been published on the same date, I selected (1933, Entomologist 66 : 199) as the type-species of Rusticus the nominal species Rusticus calanus Hübner, depicted on Hübner's plate [100] of the Sammlung. With the acquisition of additional information it was found that pl. [100] figuring the above species was published in 1809 but that two of the plates figuring species referred to Rusticus in the Sammlung had been published in 1807. This discovery, showed that Rusticus cabanas (figured on pl. [100]) was not one of the originally included species of this genus and therefore that its selection (1933) as type-species was invalid. In order to correct the position, I thereupon (1934) selected Papilio gnidus Fabricius, shown on pl. [104], the second of the two plates published in 1807 to be the type-species of this genus. The taxon represented by the nominal species Papilio gnidus Fabricius is currently treated subjectively on taxonomic grounds as being congeneric with the taxon represented by the nominal species Papilio cupido Linnaeus, 1758 (Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 1 : 482), the type-species of Helicopis Fabricius, 1807. This at once brought up a doubt as to the relative precedence to be accorded to the generic names Rusticus Hübner and Helicopis Fabricius, both - as was now seen - having been published in the same year (1807) on unknown dates. The name Helicopis is a very well-known name, whereas Rusticus, as applied in this sense was virtually unknown. Accordingly, in 1935 a request was submitted to the Commission for a Ruling securing that precedence should be given to Helicopis Fabricius over Rusticus Hübner. This request was granted by a Ruling given under the Plenary Powers in the Commission's Opinion 137 published in 1942. In 1954 the Commission completed and clarified the action taken in this case by a Ruling given in its Direction 4, in which it expressly ruled that Rusticus Hübner (of the Sammlung) was to be treated as having been suppressed under the Plenary Powers for the purposes of the Law of Priority in Opinion 137, but not for those of the Law of Homonymy. At the same time the name Rusticus Hübner, [1807], so suppressed, was placed on the 0fficial Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology as Name No. 213. The higher classification used here follows Lamas (2008).

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License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Dataset buttmoth
Dataset ID f8bc9b9c-009a-4689-bd01-ed621095c457
Resource Butterflies and Moths of the World
Resource ID c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c