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Number: 28559.0
Author: Hope
Bhl Page:
Family: Papilionidae
Genus: Teinopalpus
Journal: Trans. linn. Soc. Lond.
Year: 1843
Homonym Count: 1.0
Page: 131
Part: (2)
Ref Id: 2788.0
Status: Available name
Subfamily: Papilioninae
Superfamily: Papilionoidea
Tribe: Teinopalpini
Volume: 19
Type Country: See BHL scanned Type-species page
Type Des Ref Id: 5223.0
Type Des: by subsequent designation by
Type Des Author: Scudder
Type Des Year: 1875
Type Des Journal: Proc. amer. acad. Arts Sci., Boston
Type Des Title: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston
Type Des Volume: 10
Type Des Part: (2)
Type Des Page: 276
Type Des Bhl Page:
Type Sp Author: Hope
Type Sp Bhl Page:
Type Sp Journal: Trans. linn. Soc. Lond.
Type Sp Page: 131, pl.11, figs 1-2
Type Sp Volume: 19
Type Sp Year: 1843
Type Sp Ref Id: 2788.0
Type Sp Genus: Teinopalpus
Type Sp: imperialis
Memo Links: ['', '', '', '']
Memo: Hemming (1967) stated:- Hope regarded this genus as containing two nominal species both then described as new; the first was the above species, the second, Teinopalpus parryae (loc. cit. 19 (2) : 131, pl. II, figs 3, 4 - female). In 1846 (Gen. diurn. Lep. (1) : 2) Doubleday pointed out that these names represent the different sexes of the same species, imperialis being based on the male and parryae upon the female. These names, having been published on the same date in the same work, depend for their relative precedence on the choice of the First Reviser ; this choice was made in the above work by Doubleday when he gave precedence to the name imperialis Hope over the name parryae Hope. Scudder erroneously supposed that Teinopalpus imperialis was the sole originally included nominal species of Teinopalpus and therefore the type-species by monotypy. This misconception of Scudder's does not however detract from the effectiveness of his action. TEINOPALPUS was included within the subfamily PAPILIONIDAE: PAPILIONINAE by Ackery et al., in Kristensen (1999). The higher classification used here follows Lamas (2008).

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License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Dataset buttmoth
Dataset ID f8bc9b9c-009a-4689-bd01-ed621095c457
Resource Butterflies and Moths of the World
Resource ID c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c