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DOI: 10.5519/qd.9ji0k55w

  "search": "Hibiscus"

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Natural History Museum (2024). Data Portal query on 20 resources created at 2024-11-23 22:02:24.236706 PID


Resource count: 20
Dataset count: 18
Retrieved: 2024-11-23 22:02:24.236706
Total records: 9130


Total downloads: 0
Total saves: 0
Last downloaded: None

Resource breakdown

Collection specimens / Specimens 3852 records
The 2016 release of the PREDICTS database [SUPERSEDED] / Database in zipped CSV format 2056 records
The 2016 release of the PREDICTS database V1.1 / Database in zipped CSV format 2056 records
NHM Interactions Bank / NHM Interactions Bank 494 records
HOSTS - a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants / HOSTS 484 records
Release of data added to the PREDICTS database (November 2022) / Database in zipped CSV format 60 records
The Linnaean Plant Name Typification Project / Linnaean Plant Names 30 records
Hermann Herbarium / Hermann Herbarium 21 records
Function and ecology of Solanum underground organs / Occurrence data for USO in Solanum (SM3) 17 records
Clifford Herbarium / Clifford Herbarium Specimens 13 records
Specimens from Sloane's voyage to Jamaica / Sloane Herbarium 10 records
The Linnaean Plant Name Typification Project / Original Material 9 records
African spiny Solanum / Vorontsova & Knapp (2016) African spiny solanum 7 records
UK Species Inventory - Simplified copy / UKSI 20240614a Simplified Copy.xlsx 7 records
UK Species Inventory - Simplified copy / UKSI 20221111a Simplified Copy.xlsx 7 records
Tropical Asian spiny Solanum / SM3 All specimens 2 records
Clayton Herbarium / Clayton Herbarium 2 records
Solanum ANS Clade / African Non-Spiny Solanum specimens 1 records
Old World morelloids / OW Morelloid specimens 1 records
Twenty years of big plant genera / WFO accepted genera and sizes December 2023 update 1 records