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DOI: 10.5519/qd.zqtgccuf

  "search": "Reptilia"

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Natural History Museum (2024). Data Portal query on 22 resources created at 2024-11-24 01:12:20.811870 PID


Resource count: 22
Dataset count: 14
Retrieved: 2024-11-24 01:12:20.811870
Total records: 119343


Total downloads: 0
Total saves: 0
Last downloaded: None

Resource breakdown

Collection specimens / Specimens 48337 records
The 2016 release of the PREDICTS database [SUPERSEDED] / Database in zipped CSV format 33208 records
The 2016 release of the PREDICTS database V1.1 / Database in zipped CSV format 33208 records
Release of data added to the PREDICTS database (November 2022) / Database in zipped CSV format 1306 records
The 2016 release of the PREDICTS database V1.1 / Site-level summaries in zipped CSV format 1114 records
The 2016 release of the PREDICTS database [SUPERSEDED] / Site-level summaries in zipped CSV format 1114 records
PREDICTS: site-level summary biodiversity and pressure data / Site-level summaries 640 records
Site-level dataset used in Phillips et al. (2017) The effect of fragment area on site-level biodiversity / Site-level dataset used in Phillips et al. (2017) The effect of fragment area on site-level biodiversity 148 records
Sex biases and the scarcity of sex metadata in global herpetology collections / extra-data-unsexed-2022-07.csv 76 records
Sex biases and the scarcity of sex metadata in global herpetology collections / halfwaydone-unsexed.csv 76 records
Release of data added to the PREDICTS database (November 2022) / Site-level summaries in zipped CSV format 41 records
Butterflies and Moths of the World / Butterflies and Moths of the World 21 records
Join the Dots collection-level descriptions / JtD collection-level records 13 records
Sex biases and the scarcity of sex metadata in global herpetology collections / reference-list.csv 10 records
UK Species Inventory - Simplified copy / UKSI 20240614a Simplified Copy.xlsx 6 records
UK Species Inventory - Simplified copy / UKSI 20221111a Simplified Copy.xlsx 6 records
Sex biases and the scarcity of sex metadata in global herpetology collections / all-specimen-data-2021-07.csv 5 records
Sex biases and the scarcity of sex metadata in global herpetology collections / halfwaydone.csv 5 records
NATRICINE / Natricine-natural-history-data-references.csv 3 records
Ludlow Museum Fossils in Shropshire Project data / Fossils in Shropshire 1 records
Diversity and evolution of amphibian pupil shapes / Amphibian pupil data 1 records