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Number: 11118.0
Author: Boisduval
Family: Geometridae
Genus: Eupisteria
Journal: Genera Index meth. Eur. Lepid.
Year: 1840
Homonym Count: 1.0
Page: 192
Ref Id: 9061.0
Status: Available name
Subfamily: Ennominae
Superfamily: Geometroidea
Type Country: EUROPE
Type Depository: (? Depository)
Type Locality: ? Locality
Types: Type(s)
Type Des Ref Id: 7224.0
Type Des: by subsequent designation by
Type Des Author: Fletcher
Type Des Year: 1966
Type Des Journal: Entomologists Gaz.
Type Des Title: Entomologists Gazette / London
Type Des Volume: 17
Type Des Page: 15
Type Sp Author: Hübner
Type Sp Bhl Page:
Type Sp Journal: Samml. eur. Schmett.
Type Sp Page: pl.100, figs 516, 517
Type Sp Volume: 5
Type Sp Year: 1822
Type Sp Ref Id: 4578.0
Type Sp Genus: Geometra
Type Sp: quinquaria
Memo Links: ['', '']
Memo: Fletcher (1979) stated:- G. quinquaria is a junior subjective synonym of Geometra brunneata Thunberg, 1784, Diss. ent. sistens Insecta Suecica (1): 9. Incorrect type-species: Noctua famula Esper, 1787, a name not originally included in Eupisteria and not linked with one of the originally included names when designated by prout, 1905, Trans. Cy Lond. ent. nat. Hist. Soc. 1904: 38. See also: Speranza Curtis, 1828. Parsons et al. (1999) included AZATA Walker, 1860 [March 10]; CATASTICTIS Gumppenberg, 1887; DYSMIGIA Warren, 1895; ELPISTE Gumppenberg, 1887; EPELIS Hulst, 1896; EUFITCHIA Packar, 1876; EUPISTERIA Boisduval, 1840; EUTROPA Hübner, 1831; FIDONIA Herrich-Schäffer, 1855; GLADELA Grossbeck, 1909; GRAMMATOPHORA Stephens, 1829; HALIA Duponchel, 1829; PARASEMIA Hübner, 1823; PHILOBIA Duponchel, 1829; PHYSOSTEGANIA Warren, 1894; PROUTICTIS Bryk, 1938; PROPHASIANE McDunnough, 1939; PSAMATODES Guenée, 1857; PSEUDOISTURGIA Povolny & Moucha, 1957; SCIAGRAPHIA Hulst, 1896; SPERANZA Curtis, 1828; SYMPHERTA Hulst, 1896; THAMNONOMA Lederer, 1853; and XENOECISTA Warren, 1897 as junior synonyms of MACARIA Curtis, 1826 September 1.

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Dataset buttmoth
Dataset ID f8bc9b9c-009a-4689-bd01-ed621095c457
Resource Butterflies and Moths of the World
Resource ID c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c