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Number: 15392.0
Author: Hübner
Bhl Page:
Family: Lycaenidae
Genus: Lampides
Journal: Verz. bekannt. Schmett.
Year: 1819
Homonym Count: 1.0
Page: 70
Ref Id: 2846.0
Status: Available name
Subfamily: Polyommatinae
Superfamily: Papilionoidea
Tribe: Polyommatini
Type Country: See BHL scanned Type-species page
Type Des Ref Id: 7323.0
Type Des: by subsequent designation by
Type Des Author: Grote
Type Des Year: 1873
Type Des Journal: Bull. Buff. Soc. nat. Sci.
Type Des Title: Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences / Buffalo, New York
Type Des Volume: 1
Type Des Page: 179
Type Des Bhl Page:
Type Sp Author: Linnaeus
Type Sp Bhl Page:
Type Sp Journal: Systema Naturae
Type Sp Page: 789
Type Sp Series: (Edn 12)
Type Sp Year: 1767
Type Sp Ref Id: 3528.0
Type Sp Genus: Papilio
Type Sp: boeticus
Memo Links: ['', '', '', '', '']
Memo: Hemming (1967) stated:- As has been explained in the note on the name Lampidella, it was long believed that the above species was the type-species of the genus Lampides by selection by Kirby (in Allen's Nat. Libr., Lepid. 2 : 82). In 1933 however I drew attention (Entomologist 66 : 224) to the fact that Kirby's type-selection was invalid, it having been anticipated by the selection by Scudder in 1875 (Proc. amer. Acad. Arts Sci., Boston 10 : 201) of Lampides zethus Hübner, [1819] (Verz. bekannt. Schmett. (5) : 70), a nominal species established as a replacement for Papilio alexis Stoll, [1790] (Aanhangs. Werk Uitl. Kapellen Pieter Cramer : 167, pl. 38, fig. 3). This discovery was highly disconcerting, because it deprived Papilio boeticus Linnaeus of the name Lampides Hübner and at the same time recognized as the type-species of that genus a species commonly treated as belonging to the genus Jamides ; as regards the first of these matters I noted that, as matters then stood, the oldest - and, indeed, the only - available generic name for Papilio boeticus was Cosmolyce Toxopeus, 1927. Luckily, a few years later a bibliographical discovery by Chadwick (1937, Ent. News 48 : 294-295) made it unnecessary either to adopt the distasteful change described above or to have resort to the Commission to prevent this from happening, for it was in that year that Chadwick drew attention to a totally overlooked selection of Papilio boeticus as type-species of Lampides made by Grote in 1873, that is, two years before the offending selection of Lampides zethus made by Scudder in 1875. Thus, after the chequered career described above, the genus Lampides came to rest, in legitimate possession of Papilio boeticus as its type-species. Cowan (1970: 50) stated:- "(3) to read - 1 (3)", [type-species designation volume & part]. LAMPIDES was included within the subfamily LYCAENIDAE: LYCAENINAE by Ackery et al., in Kristensen (1999). The higher classification used here follows Lamas (2008). See images at Butterflies of America.

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License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Dataset buttmoth
Dataset ID f8bc9b9c-009a-4689-bd01-ed621095c457
Resource Butterflies and Moths of the World
Resource ID c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c