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Number: 31086.0
Author: Billberg
Bhl Page:
Family: Nymphalidae
Genus: Zonaga
Journal: Enum. Ins. Mus. Billb.
Year: 1820
Homonym Count: 1.0
Page: 78
Ref Id: 455.0
Status: Junior objective synonym
Subfamily: Biblidinae
Subtribe: Biblidina
Superfamily: Papilionoidea
Tribe: Biblidini
Senior Syn: BIBLIS
Senior Syn Author: Fabricius
Senior Syn Page: 281
Senior Syn Year: 1807
Type Country: See BHL scanned Type-species page
Type Des: by monotypy
Type Sp Author: Fabricius
Type Sp Bhl Page:
Type Sp Journal: Systema entomologiae
Type Sp Page: 505
Type Sp Year: 1775
Type Sp Ref Id: 1777.0
Type Sp Genus: Papilio
Type Sp: biblis
Memo Links: ['', '', '', '']
Memo: Hemming (1967) stated:- The name Zonaga Billberg is invalid, as it is a junior objective synonym of Biblis Fabricius, 1807. As explained in the note on that generic name, the name of its type-species (Papilio biblis Fabricius) is invalid, as it is a junior homonym of Papilio biblis Drury, [1773], the oldest available name subjectively applicable to the species here in question being Papilio hyperia Cramer, [1779]. The higher classification used here follows Lamas (2008).

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Format unknown
License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Dataset buttmoth
Dataset ID f8bc9b9c-009a-4689-bd01-ed621095c457
Resource Butterflies and Moths of the World
Resource ID c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c