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Number: 6728.0
Author: Hübner
Bhl Page:
Family: Nymphalidae
Genus: Coenonympha
Journal: Verz. bekannt. Schmett.
Year: 1819
Homonym Count: 1.0
Page: 65
Ref Id: 2846.0
Status: Available name
Subfamily: Satyrinae
Subtribe: Coenonymphina
Superfamily: Papilionoidea
Tribe: Satyrini
Type Country: ? COUNTRY
Type Depository: (? Depository)
Type Locality: ? Locality
Types: ? Type status
Type Des Ref Id: 783.0
Type Des: by subsequent designation by
Type Des Author: Butler
Type Des Year: 1868
Type Des Journal: Ent. mon. Mag.
Type Des Title: Entomologists Monthly Magazine
Type Des Volume: 4
Type Des Part: (45)
Type Des Page: 194
Type Sp Author: Esper
Type Sp Journal: Die Schmett. in Abbildungen
Type Sp Page: 51, pl.102, fig.2
Type Sp Part: (1) (3/4)
Type Sp Year: 1789
Type Sp Ref Id: 9520.0
Type Sp Genus: Papilio
Type Sp: geticus
Memo Links: ['', '', '', '', '']
Memo: Hemming (1967) stated:- When establishing the genus Coenympha, Hübner placed at the head of the list of included species his own new nominal species Coenonymphia oedipe, which in accordance with his custom in the Verzeichniss was based entirely upon bibliographical references to plates or portions of text published by previous authors. The second of the three specific names so cited was geticus Esper. Under Article 69 (a) (i) the citation of a specific name in the synonymy of one of the originally included species given by the author when establishing a genus confers upon the species bearing the specific name so cited the status of an originally included species. Butler's selection of Papilio geticus Esper as the type-species of the genus Coenonympha Hübner was therefore perfectly in order. The taxon represented by the nominal species Papilio geticus is currently treated subjectively on taxonomic grounds either as a subspecies of, or as the same as, the taxon represented by the nominal species Papilio oedippus Fabricius, 1787 (Mantissa Ins. 2 : 31). COENONYMPHA was included within the subfamily NYMPHALIDAE: SATYRINAE by Ackery et al., in Kristensen (1999). The higher classification used here follows Lamas (2008). See images at Butterflies of America.

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Format unknown
License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Dataset buttmoth
Dataset ID f8bc9b9c-009a-4689-bd01-ed621095c457
Resource Butterflies and Moths of the World
Resource ID c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c