This is a tidied version of extra data required for the analyses. If using this data please cite the sources listed below.
Raw body mass data comes from Lislevand et al. (2007) for birds and Jones et al. (2009) for mammals [the sex disaggregated version of this data is hard to access so we have uploaded it here too].
- Lislevand, T., Figuerola, J. & Sze ́kely, T., Avian body sizes in relation to fecundity, mating system, display behavior, and resource sharing. Ecology 88, 1605–1605 (2007).
- Jones, K. E., Bielby, J., Cardillo, M., Fritz, S. A., O’Dell, J., Orme, C. D. L., Safi, K., Sechrest, W., Boakes, E. H., Carbone, C., Connolly, C., Cutts, M. J., Foster, J. K., Grenyer, R., Habib, M., Plaster, C. A., Price, S. A., Rigby, E. A., Rist, J., Teacher, A., Bininda-Emonds, O. R. P., Gittleman, J. L., Mace, G. M. & Purvis, A., PanTHERIA: a species-level database of life history, ecology, and geography of extant and recently extinct mammals. Ecology 90, 2648–2648 (2009).
Raw plumage data comes from:
- Dale, J., Dey, C. J., Delhey, K., Kempenaers, B. & Valcu, M., Data from: The effects of life history and sexual selection on male and female plumage colouration. Dryad Digital Repository. (2015).
- Dale, J., Dey, C. J., Delhey, K., Kempenaers, B. & Valcu, M., The effects of life history and sexual selection on male and female plumage colouration. Nature 527, 367 (2015).
Raw ornamentation data was collected for this project; the raw data file is available in this dataset.
Columns contain the following.
- binomial = Species binomial name.
- male_mass = Body mass of males (g).
- female_mass = Body mass of females (g).
- SSD = Male/Female body mass.
- male_plumage = male plumage pixel score (see Dale et al for details).
- female_plumage = female plumage pixel score (see Dale et al for details).
- plumageD = male/female plumage score.
- ornamentation = Does the mammal have horns, tusks, antlers, ossicles, nasal extensions, cheek extensions, coloured facial patterns or a mane? (Present/Absent).
- ornamentedsex = Which sex has the ornamentation (Both, Male, Unclear).
- extremesex = Which sex has more extreme ornaments (Both, Male, Unclear).
- feature = What kind of feature is the ornament: horn (includes antlers), tusk, ossicle, colour, mane, nasal, or cheek.
Cite this as
Natalie Cooper; Alexander Bond; Joshua L Davis; Roberto Portela Miguez et al. (2019). all-extra-data.csv (from Sex biases in natural history collections of birds and mammals.) [Data set resource]. Natural History Museum.
Retrieved: 00:35 03 Jan 2025 (UTC)
Additional Information
Last updated | unknown |
Created | unknown |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons Attribution |
Created | 6 years ago |
format | CSV |
id | 6d1f8a30-1431-4630-a038-23bfacb9a102 |
metadata modified | 3 years ago |
package id | f97c4890-94b7-4d29-b37e-5ea7d019e74b |
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