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Function and ecology of Solanum underground organs

Datasets used for analyses in the publication:

Gagnon E, Baldaszti L, Moonlight P, Knapp S, Lehmann C, Särkinen T (2023) Functional and ecological diversification of underground organs in Solanum. Frontiers in Genetics 14: 1231413,

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Cite this as

Edeline Gagnon; Tiina Särkinen; Sandra Knapp (2023). Function and ecology of Solanum underground organs [Data set]. Natural History Museum.
Retrieved: 04:35 27 Jul 2024 (UTC) BibTeX

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Primary contributors
Gagnon, Edeline;
Särkinen, Tiina ( 0000-0002-6956-3093);
Knapp, Sandra ( 0000-0001-7698-3945)
Other contributors
Last updated 2 August 2023
Last resource update 2 August 2023 (Moisture Index Map (SM4))
Created 29 May 2023
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