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Scientific name: Gibbula magus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Author: (Linnaeus, 1758)
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Gastropoda
Order: Trochida
Family: Trochidae
Genus: Gibbula
Species: magus
Higher classification: Animalia; Mollusca; Gastropoda; Vetigastropoda; Trochida; Trochoidea; Trochidae; Cantharidinae
Locality: Gann Bay
State province: Wales
Country: United Kingdom
Continent: Europe
Island group: British Isles
Water body: Northeast Atlantic Ocean; Celtic Sea
Higher geography: Europe; United Kingdom; Wales; Pembrokeshire
Decimal latitude: 51.71456
Decimal longitude: -5.16783
Verbatim latitude: 51 42 52.4 N
Verbatim longitude: 005 10 04.2 W
Coordinate uncertainty: 0m
Collection event
Recorded by: Patrick Adkins, Joanna Harley, Ms Teresa Darbyshire, Anna Holmes
Sampling protocol: Hand Picked
Collection date: 20 / 9 / 2020
Identified by: Patrick Adkins
Type status: NON-TYPE
Names Types FiledAs
Gibbula magus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Catalogue number: 20220099
Collection code: ZOO ( Zoology)
Sub department: LS Mollusca
Other catalog numbers: NHMUK:ecatalogue:9614398
Preservative: 80% ethanol
Donor name: Ms Kesella Scott-Somme
Individual count: 1
Sex: Unknown
Life stage: Adult
Barcode: 015030283
Occurrence ID: 70e57162-441d-4c8f-aa72-5a761a50b229
Modified: 2022-08-11 10:28:23 (UTC)
Created: 2022-03-31 09:40:02 (UTC)


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Additional Information

Created 2022-03-31 09:40:02 (UTC)
Last updated 2022-08-11 10:28:23 (UTC)
Format DWC
License CC0-1.0
Dataset collection-specimens
Dataset ID 56e711e6-c847-4f99-915a-6894bb5c5dea
Resource Specimens
Resource ID 05ff2255-c38a-40c9-b657-4ccb55ab2feb