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PI BZ 4415

Scientific name: Eurystrotos
Phylum: Bryozoa
Class: Stenolaemata
Order: Cyclostomatida
Genus: Eurystrotos
Higher classification: Bryozoa; Stenolaemata; Cyclostomatida
Locality: Ringstead Bay, Ringstead, Ringstead Bay, Ringstead
State province: England
Country: United Kingdom
Continent: Europe
Higher geography: Europe; United Kingdom; England; Dorset
Decimal latitude: 50.630902
Decimal longitude: -2.354763
Verbatim latitude: 50 37 51.25 N
Verbatim longitude: 002 21 17.15 W
Coordinate uncertainty: 7m
Collection event
Recorded by: C Griffiths
Collection date: 25 / 4 / 1998
Names Types FiledAs
Catalogue number: PI BZ 4415
Collection code: PAL ( Palaeontology)
Sub department: ES Bryozoa
Other catalog numbers: NHMUK:ecatalogue:2096808
Donor name: C Griffiths
Catalogue description: Attached to <I>Torquirhynchia</I> <I>inconstans.</I>
Earliest eon/lowest eonothem: Phanerozoic
Latest eon/highest eonothem: Phanerozoic
Earliest era/lowest erathem: Mesozoic
Latest era/highest erathem: Mesozoic
Earliest period/lowest system: Jurassic
Latest period/highest system: Jurassic
Earliest epoch/lowest series: Late Jurassic
Latest epoch/highest series: Late Jurassic
Earliest age/lowest stage: Kimmeridgian
Latest age/highest stage: Kimmeridgian
Group: Ancholme Group
Formation: Kimmeridge Clay Formation
Bed: KC 1
Chronostratigraphy: Jurassic, Late Jurassic, Kimmeridgian
Lithostratigraphy: Ancholme Group, Kimmeridge Clay Formation, KC 1 (Inconstans Bed)
Occurrence ID: f9875b30-ecab-4e76-8608-85b1ed404a31
Modified: 2021-02-04 05:29:14 (UTC)
Created: 1998-05-07 23:00:00 (UTC)


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Additional Information

Created 1998-05-07 23:00:00 (UTC)
Last updated 2021-02-04 05:29:14 (UTC)
Format DWC
License CC0-1.0
Dataset collection-specimens
Dataset ID 56e711e6-c847-4f99-915a-6894bb5c5dea
Resource Specimens
Resource ID 05ff2255-c38a-40c9-b657-4ccb55ab2feb