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Number: 12433.0
Author: Billberg
Family: Pieridae
Genus: Gonoptera
Journal: Enum. Ins. Mus. Billb.
Year: 1820
Homonym Count: 3.0
Of Value: ;
Page: 201
Ref Id: 455.0
Status: Unjustified emendation
Subfamily: Coliadinae
Superfamily: Papilionoidea
Memo Links: ['', '', '', '']
Memo: Hemming (1967) stated:- An Unjustified Emendation of Gonepteryx [Leach], [1815]. There was a missprint in this name as actually published by Billberg, the name appearing in the impossible form "Gonrptera". Billberg stated that this was a manuscript name of Dalman's. He did not mention Gonepteryx (Leach], but it is impossible to believe that Dalman and Billberg were both ignorant of this name published only five years earlier. Gonoptera Billberg is accordingly here treated as an Unjustified Emendation of Gonepteryx [Leach]. Cowan (1968: 12) stated:- GONOPTERA : delete last para / see note Billberg stated that this was a manuscript name of Dalman's. He did not mention Gonepteryx (Leach], but it is impossible to believe that Dalman and Billberg were both ignorant of this name published only five years earlier. Cowan (1968: 18) stated:- The historical paragraph in the List [Hemming, 1967] under "Gonoptera" is entirely wrong. Billberg (1820) made no mention of a m.s. name of Dalman's, and he did refer to Leach. Billberg's actual text was; G. GONRPTERA Eg. - Gonepteryx Lch. Ed. enc. - Colias Fbr., Ltr. - Pieris Schrk. - Ganoris Dlm. - Papilio Auct. coet. and he misspelt one of the two included species "rhemni". His initial "G." stood for Genus, and the "Eg." for Ego, or mihi, or nom. nov. Thus Billberg definitely claimed "Gonrptera" (there is no clue elsewhere in the work whether Goneptera or Gonoptera was intended) as his own emendation for Gonepteryx Leach. The higher classification used here follows Lamas (2008).

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Format unknown
License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Dataset buttmoth
Dataset ID f8bc9b9c-009a-4689-bd01-ed621095c457
Resource Butterflies and Moths of the World
Resource ID c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c