Number: | 13548.0 | |
Author: | Shepard | |
Family: | Hesperiidae | |
Genus: | Hewitsoniella | |
Journal: | Ann. ent. Soc. Am. | |
Year: | 1931 | |
Homonym Count: | 1.0 | |
Page: | 175 | |
Part: | (1) | |
Ref Id: | 5293.0 | |
Status: | Available name | |
Subfamily: | Trapezitinae | |
Superfamily: | Hesperioidea | |
Volume: | 24 | |
Type Country: | See BHL scanned Type-species page | |
Type Des: | (through Article 67.8 (replacement names)) | |
Type Sp Author: | Hewitson | |
Type Sp Bhl Page: | http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/54081#page/366/mode/2up | |
Type Sp Journal: | Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. | |
Type Sp Page: | 353 | |
Type Sp Series: | (4) | |
Type Sp Volume: | 18 | |
Type Sp Year: | 1876 | |
Type Sp Ref Id: | 7500.0 | |
Type Sp Genus: | Eudamus | |
Type Sp: | aenesius | |
Memo Links: | ['http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hesperiidae', 'http://www.ucl.ac.uk/taxome/gbn/Lamas_Genera_04ii08.xls', 'http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/127039', 'http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/search?searchTerm=HEWITSONIELLA'] | |
Memo: | Hemming (1967) stated:- The name Hewitsoniella was introduced by Shepard as a replacement for Hewitsonia Evans, 1926, which (as shown above) is invalid under the Law of Homonymy. The taxon represented by the nominal species Eudamus aenesius Hewitson is currently treated subjectively on taxonomic grounds as representing the same taxon as that represented by Eudamus migonitis Hewitson, 1876 (loc. cit. (4) 18 : 352). The relative precedence to be accorded to these names, which were published on the same date - actually on the same page of the same volume - depends upon the choice made by the First Reviser. There is very little literature regarding either of the nominal species here in question ; for Example, Seitz ([1927], Grossschmett. Erde 9 : 1061) stated that Eudamus aenesius was unknown to him in nature and made no mention of Eudamus migonitis at all. Eight years later Shepard (1935, in Strand's Lep. Cat. 69 : 94) gave only the original reference for the first of these species and, like Seitz, made no reference to Eudamus migonitis anywhere in his volume. The only author who seems to have dealt with both these nominal species simultaneously, was Evans who was familiar with both, the type-specimens of both being in the British Museum. This was in 1949 (Cat. Hesp. Europe Asia Australia : 213) when he identified with one another the taxa represented respectively by these nominal species and adopted the specific name migonitis Hewitson for the species so recognized, sinking the name aenesius Hewitson as a junior subjective synonym. The higher classification used here follows Lamas (2008). |
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Additional Information
Format | unknown |
License | Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike |
Dataset | buttmoth |
Dataset ID | f8bc9b9c-009a-4689-bd01-ed621095c457 |
Resource | Butterflies and Moths of the World |
Resource ID | c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c |