Number: | 29229.0 | |
Author: | Walker | |
Bhl Page: | http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/121636#page/618/mode/2up | |
Family: | Noctuidae | |
Genus: | Tima | |
Journal: | List Spec. lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. | |
Year: | 1858 | |
Homonym Count: | 1.0 | |
Page: | 839 | |
Part: | (12) | |
Ref Id: | 8454.0 | |
Status: | Junior homonym | |
Subfamily: | Acontiinae | |
Superfamily: | Noctuoidea | |
Senior Syn: | DESMOPHORA | |
Senior Syn Author: | Stephens | |
Senior Syn Page: | 109 | |
Senior Syn Year: | 1829 | |
Type Country: | See BHL scanned Type-species page | |
Type Des: | by monotypy | |
Type Sp Author: | Drury | |
Type Sp Bhl Page: | http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/125983#page/102/mode/2up | |
Type Sp Journal: | Illust. nat. hist. exot. insects | |
Type Sp Page: | 28, pl.21, fig.6, Index | |
Type Sp Page Comment: | (but included by Walker as *'margarita', an incorrect subsequent spelling) | |
Type Sp Year: | 1782 | |
Type Sp Ref Id: | 7041.0 | |
Type Sp Genus: | Phalaena | |
Type Sp: | margaritata | |
Memo Links: | ['http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/search?searchTerm=TIMA', 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noctuidae'] | |
Memo: | Nye (1975) stated:- [TYPE] stated to be New York, but this was probably an error as this species is not known to occur in the New World, but is found in southern Africa. A junior homonym of Tima Eschscholtz, 1829, Syst. Acalephen: 103 , - Coelenterata. There is no objective replacement name but P. margaritata Drury is congeneric with Phlaena catena Sowerby, the type-species of Desmophora Stephens, 1929. The latter is therefore available for use as a subjective replacement name. See: DESMOPHORA Stephens, 1829 [June]. Poole (1989) included TARACHE Hübner, 1823; DESMOPHORA Stephens, 1829; EUPHASIA Stephens, 1830; HELIOTHERA Sodoffsky, 1837; PORROTHA Gistl, 1848; TIMA Walker, 1858; and TRICHOTARACHE Grote, 1875 as junior synonyms of ACONTIA Ochsenheimer, 1816. |
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Additional Information
Format | unknown |
License | Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike |
Dataset | buttmoth |
Dataset ID | f8bc9b9c-009a-4689-bd01-ed621095c457 |
Resource | Butterflies and Moths of the World |
Resource ID | c1727662-2d1e-426f-818c-d144552a747c |