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20 datasets found

Sandra Knapp


Lycianthes (Solanaceae) in Asia (excluding New Guinea)

Collection event and specimen datasets used for the publication: Knapp S (2024) A revision of Lycianthes (Solanaceae) in tropical Asia. PhytoKeys 245:1-1-6,...
Sandra Knapp Collections Open Data Commons Attribution License

Lycianthes (Solanaceae) of Australia, New Guinea & Oceania

Specimen data used in the publication: Knapp S (2022) A revision of Lycianthes (Solanaceae) in Australia, New Guinea, and the Pacific. PhytoKeys 209: 1-134,...
Sandra Knapp Collections Creative Commons Attribution

Peru herbarium data for accurate IUCN threat assessments

Data downloaded from Solanaceae Source and the Begonia Resource Centre for use in analyses in the following paper: Delves, J., J. Albán-Castillo, A. Cano, E. Gagnon, C....
Sandra Knapp; Peter Moonlight; Tiina Särkinen Collections Open Data Commons Attribution License

Twenty years of big plant genera

Moonlight, PW, Baldaszti, L, Cardoso, D, Elliott, A, Särkinen, T, Knapp, S (2024) Twenty years of big plant genera. Proceedings of the Royal Soiety B 291: 20240702,...
Peter Moonlight; Ludwig Baldaszti; Domingos Cardoso; Alan Elliott; Tiina Särkinen; Sandra Knapp Research Other (Attribution)

Function and ecology of Solanum underground organs

Datasets used for analyses in the publication: Gagnon E, Baldaszti L, Moonlight P, Knapp S, Lehmann C, Särkinen T (2023) Functional and ecological diversification of underground...
Edeline Gagnon; Tiina Särkinen; Sandra Knapp Research Creative Commons CCZero

South American morelloid Solanum

Occurrence and specimen data used in the publication: Knapp S, T. Särkinen & G.E Barboza (2023) A revision of the South American species of the Morelloid clade (Solanum L.;...
Sandra Knapp; Tiina Särkinen; Gloria E. Barboza Research Open Data Commons Attribution License

Tropical Asian spiny Solanum

Specimen data used for the publication: Aubriot X, Knapp S (2022) A revision of the “spiny solanums” of Tropical Asia (Solanum Leptostemonum Clade: Solanaceae).PhytoKeys 198:...
Sandra Knapp; Xavier Aubriot Collections Open Data Commons Attribution License

New species of Athenaea from Brazil

Specimens use in the description of two new species of Athenaea (Solanaceae) Rodrigues IMC, Knapp S, Stehmann JR (2021) Two new species of Athenaea Sendtn. (Solanaceae) from the...
Sandra Knapp Collections Open Data Commons Attribution License

Morelloid Solanum species from Argentina

All specimen data used in the following publication: Knapp S, Chiarini F, Cantero JJ, Barboza GE (2020) The Morelloid clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in Argentina:...
Sandra Knapp Research Creative Commons CCZero

New Solanum from the Pacific

Specimens used in the article describing new Solanum species from the Pacific: MClelland DHR, Nee M, Knapp S (2020) New names and status for Pacific spiny species of Solanum...
Sandra Knapp Collections Creative Commons CCZero

Diversification analyses in Solanum

Solanum botanical records and diversification rates used in the analyses in Echeverría-Londoño et al. 2020). Code developed for the analyses can be accessed on Git Hub...
Sandra Knapp Research Creative Commons Attribution

Morelloid solanum North and Central America and the Caribbean

Specimens used in the monograph of the morelloid clade of Solanum occurring in North and Central America and the Caribbean Knapp S, Barboza GE, Bohs L, Särkinen T (2019) A...
Sandra Knapp Collections Open Data Commons Attribution License

Old World morelloids

Specimens used in the published monograph of the Old World members of the Morelloid clade of Solanum (black nightshades) Särkinen TE, Poczai P, Barboza GE, van der Weerden GM,...
Sandra Knapp Collections Creative Commons Attribution

Keys to African Solanum

Knapp S. Vorontsova MS, Särkinen T. (2019) Dichotomous keys to the species of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in continental Africa, Madagascar (incl. the islands of Réunion, the...
Sandra Knapp Collections Open Data Commons Attribution License

Morelloid clade of Solanum in Brazil

Dataset of specimen and localities of Brazilian species of the Morelloid clade of Solanum (black nightshades)
Sandra Knapp Collections Creative Commons Attribution

Elaeagnifolium clade (Solanum)

Data set of specimens used in the publication: Knapp, S., E. Sagona, A.K.Z. Carbonell and F. Chiarini (2017) A revision of the Solanum elaeagnifolium clade (Elaeagnifolium...
Sandra Knapp Research ODC-BY-1.0

African spiny Solanum

Specimen data used in the revision African spiny Solanum species for the publication by Vorontsova MS and Knapp S (2016) A revision of the "spiny solanums", Solanum subgenus...
Sandra Knapp Collections ODbL-1.0

Solanum insanum

Dataset of specimens examined of the eggplant wild relative Solanum insanum; used in the preparation of: Ranil RHG, Prohens J, Aubriot X, Niran HML, Plazas M, Fonseka RM,...
Sandra Knapp Collections ODC-BY-1.0

Solanum ANS Clade

CSV format file of all specimens used in the preparation of the monograph of the monograph of the African Non-Spiny Clade of Solanum (Solanaceae). Publication details: Knapp, S....
Sandra Knapp Collections ODC-BY-1.0

Dataset collated for meta-analysis of the Natural History Museum's grounds

This dataset contains surveyed estimates of species richness of invertebrates and plants in different habitat types, or habitats of different areas. Data was collated from...
Helen Phillips; Sandra Knapp; Andy Purvis Research CC-BY-4.0

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