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Analysis of ultraconserved elements supports African origins of narrow-mouthed frogs

Narrow-mouthed frogs (Anura: Microhylidae) are globally distributed and molecular data suggest the rapid evolution of multiple subfamilies shortly after their origin. Despite recent progress, several subfamilial relationships remain unexplored using phylogenomic data. We analysed 1,796 nuclear ultraconserved elements, a total matrix of 400,664 nucleotides, from representatives of most microhylid subfamilies. Summary method species tree and maximum likelihood analyses unambiguously supported Hoplophryninae, as the earliest diverging microhylid and Chaperininae as a junior synonym of Microhylinae. Given the emerging consensus that subfamilies from mainland Africa diverged early, microhylids have likely occupied the continent for more than 66 million years.

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Jeffrey Streicher; Simon Loader; Andrea Varela-Jaramillo; Paola Montoya; Rafael Omar de Sá (2019). Analysis of ultraconserved elements supports African origins of narrow-mouthed frogs [Data set]. Natural History Museum.
Retrieved: 08:08 27 Jul 2024 (UTC) BibTeX

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Primary contributors
Streicher, Jeffrey ( 0000-0002-3738-4162);
Loader, Simon ( 0000-0003-4162-0575);
Varela-Jaramillo, Andrea;
Montoya, Paola;
de Sá, Rafael Omar
Other contributors
Last updated 9 September 2019
Last resource update 9 September 2019 (Individual_UCE_alignments)
Created 9 September 2019
License Open Data Commons Attribution License