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2 datasets found

Jeffrey Streicher


Phylogeny of terraranan frogs based on 2,665 loci and impacts of missing data...

Terraranae is a large clade of New World direct-developing frogs that includes 3–5 families and >1,100 described species (∼15% of all named frog species). The relationships...
Lucas Barrientos; Jeffrey Streicher; Elizabeth Miller; Marcio Pie; John Wiens; Andrew Crawford Research Open Data Commons Attribution License

Analysis of ultraconserved elements supports African origins of narrow-mouthe...

Narrow-mouthed frogs (Anura: Microhylidae) are globally distributed and molecular data suggest the rapid evolution of multiple subfamilies shortly after their origin. Despite...
Jeffrey Streicher; Simon Loader; Andrea Varela-Jaramillo; Paola Montoya; Rafael Omar de Sá Research Open Data Commons Attribution License

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