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Marina Costa Rillo; Giles Miller; Michal Kucera; Thomas Ezard (2019). Rillo_etal_TableS3.csv (from Supplementary Material: Intraspecific size variation in planktonic foraminifera cannot be consistently predicted by the environment) [Data set resource]. Natural History Museum.
Retrieved: 07:50 27 Jul 2024 (UTC)

Additional Information

Last updated 22 September 2020
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Created 4 years ago
Media type text/csv
Size 782
format CSV
id 9aca6c10-0d4b-4991-ad1e-6efe91ffd0b7
last modified 4 years ago
metadata modified 4 years ago
package id e7932ea6-58ec-4d7d-8de0-c32e7c7b88e6
position 5
state active